M4 Ready
Join M4 Ready
If you are a young leader interested in learning about church planting and your potential role in it, join M4 Ready experience now.
What is M4 Ready?
M4 Ready is a course for young leaders in local churches, denominations or organizations who already possess some leadership skills, like to initiate new things and bring change.
M4 Ready helps young leaders to explore:
If they can see themselves as a leader in a local church or in other roles with a clear perspective of the importance of church planting
Six modules
Koguduse rajamine: Uue koguduse rajamise protsessi mõistmine
Isiklik areng: Arendades enesejuhtimist ja jätkusuutlikku elustiili
Evangelism: Evangeeliumi esitamine ja konteksti mõistmine
Sõnumi edastamine: Jutlustamine ja õpetamine piibellikult ning asjakohaselt
Meeskonna arendamine: Terve ja hästi toimiva meeskonna loomine
Jüngerlus: Jüngerliku kultuuri loomine
Five Elements
Online course
The course includes 6 modules of teaching and relevant assignments to be completed in local contexts. It is supplemented by the Participant’s workbook which helps participants to stay on track.
Mentoring relationship
Mentors support and encourage participants throughout the learning process and keep them accountable for their progress. Mentoring can happen one-on-one, in small groups or cohorts. Different nations choose the intensity of mentoring differently (for example, twice in each module, or once after each module).
Startup weekend
A gathering of all participants, or in a region or denomination which takes place at the end of Module 1. It is a time of worship, fellowship and committing to each other and the course.
Regional gatherings
A meeting in a local church with 5-20 participants from a region and their leaders. Typically 4-5 meetings will take place during the entire course to provide a space for mutual support and encouragement among the participants.
Study trip
This inspiring trip is often an international trip of all M4 Ready participants around Europe. It is a time of worship and learning in a location where churches are being planted in various circumstances.
Experience M4 Ready
Experience M4 Ready online course for free: access the first module on Church Planting now
Use This for One Leader
M4 Ready Leader Latvijā
E-mail: oivind@m4europe.org
Use This for Two Leaders
M4 Ready Leader Latvijā
E-mail: oivind@m4europe.org
Use This for Two Leaders
M4 Ready Leader Latvijā
E-mail: oivind@m4europe.org